National Planning Policy Framework update December 2024
03 January 2025
Changes were made to the National Planning Policy Framework, published 12 December 2024. Further information can be found at the website.
These changes have been integrated into the LHDG, including recognition of:
- a vision-led approach;
- prioritisation of active modes of travel.
The council will provide further revision to the Highway Development Management chapter of the LHDG when the requirements of the vision-led approach and monitoring now sought by NPPF are clarified through revised Planning Practice Guidance and / or emerging best practice.
Online Leicestershire Highway Design Guide
18 December 2024
The Leicestershire Highway Design Guide (LHDG) is now online making it easier for you to navigate and get the information you need. We encourage developers to contact us at the earliest opportunity in the development process. Within the guide we have included information on how you should use the guide.
It is advised that developers familiarise themselves with the new guidance.
We would particularly like to draw your attention to key changes to guidance relating to:
- The new LHDG principles
- Highway Development Management Policies
- New highway adoption policy
- Active travel and accordance with Local Transport Note 1/20 "Cycle Infrastructure Design"
- Green Infrastructure and the use of the Value of Trees toolkit
- Drainage, particularly in relation to Sustainable Drainage Systems