All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a vision-led transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed and monitored.
The extent of assessment required for each development proposal will vary depending on its scale and impact on the existing highway network and transportation infrastructure. This section sets out the information required (validation requirements) by Highway Development Management so that planning applications and submissions can be assessed to ensures development proposals are delivered in ways that safeguard the efficient and safe functioning of the transport network.
The purpose of assessment
It is important, particularly for larger developments that highways and transportation matters are not considered separately from other aspects of a development’s design. A co-ordinated and vision-led approach to design is vital to:
- help encourage and prioritise walking, cycling and use of public transport;
- regulate vehicle speeds (which may be influenced by how drivers regard their surroundings);
- make sure buildings, streets and spaces are designed to reduce risks to personal safety, particularly to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users;
- make sure that the design of buildings and, where entrances are placed, does not encourage people to park in inappropriate on-street locations;
- provide parking areas that are safe, secure and enjoy good natural observation but that do not dominate the appearance of a development;
deliver high-quality developments that reflect local character and distinctiveness (planning authorities are unlikely to favour developments that lack quality layout and design); and - take account of external factors, such as pedestrian and cycle routes, public-transport routes and bus-stop locations, or any proposed road improvements that may influence a development’s layout and its access to the road network.