Street lighting compliance

Accordance with other guidance

Developer street lighting design must be undertaken in accordance with the following:

The developer shall use a Distribution Network Officer electrical supply wherever possible.  Where that is not possible and the developer proposes installing a private electrical supply that will become the council’s responsibility, the developer is responsible for:

Providing theoretical cable calculations, using suitable calculation software, to demonstrate that the circuit is electrically safe in accordance with the current edition of British Standard 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations, IET Wiring Regulations.  Calculations must be submitted along with the drawings.

Submission  of designs

Submitting a schematic diagram showing where the supply for the assets is taken from, along with the following information:

  • Cut-out information;
  • Fuse types/sizes in the supply;
  • Cable size used to provide the electricity.
  • Schematic diagrams are to include all illuminated signs being powered via the proposed private electricity cables.

The council's street lighting design service

If the developer would like the council to undertake the design on the developer’s behalf, the developer must provide the council with the developer site layout in DWG file format with as few layers as possible, only showing the following information:

  • Kerb lines, footpaths and roads of the developers proposed development, including any traffic calming proposals;
  • Housing layouts, both existing and proposed;
  • Location of any trees that may impact the lighting design – both existing and proposed;
  • Topography survey;
  • Location of any proposed changes in speed limit;
  • Location of both existing and proposed signs;
  • In addition to the above, all XREFS will need to be bound to the DWG file the developer submits to the council for use.
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Development Approvals