Traffic regulation orders

Traffic regulation order consultations 

Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are the legal orders which define the rules of the road network. They provide highway authorities with powers to place permanent, temporary or experimental restrictions on traffic for the purposes of safety or traffic management. This section of the LHDG focuses on “permanent” TROs.

Implementing a TRO requires a legal process of consultation and advertisement so that the views of all interested parties and the needs of different users can be taken into consideration.

Examples of TROs are:

  • waiting restrictions;
  • speed limits;
  • one-way streets;
  • prohibitions of vehicles;
  • HGV weight limits.

Further information can be found at Traffic Management Consultations

The Traffic Regulation Order procedure

Leicestershire County Council process TROs in the following manner, based on general principles laid down in law:

  • Following receipt of a TRO fee generated from a development, the site is investigated.
  • If it is considered that a new TRO is required, or an existing TRO requires amending, an initial proposal is created.
  • In some cases, initial consultations may be carried out with the Police, Network Management and local councillors.
  • Full consultations are always carried out with the Emergency Services, hauliers’ organisations, the local county councillor, the Parish or Town Council the District Council and with any property directly affected by the proposal. Other groups consulted, depending on the type of Order, include cycling clubs, business organisations, local disability groups, motoring organisations, utility companies and walking groups.
  • Prior to publicly advertising the proposal, the local county councillor is informed of the scheme.
  • Details of the proposal are drawn up and passed to the County Solicitor so that they can undertake the legal work of publicly advertising the proposal, including placing notices in the local press.
  • If any objections are received during the public advertisement period, then the council will work with the developer to resolve them. If they cannot be resolved then this is reported to the Director for Environment and Transport and the Lead Member for a decision about whether to proceed, amend or abandon the proposal.
  • If the decision is to proceed, then a date is agreed for the County Solicitor to arrange for the Order to come into effect and for the scheme to be completed. This date will be confirmed through a notice in the local press.
  • When the site works are complete, the Order will be brought into effect so that it can then be enforced.

Traffic Regulation Order procedure timescales and fees


The requirement for and planning of a TRO needs to be considered at an early stage of a scheme. It should not be left until construction has started on site.

A TRO is a complex process involving numerous parties and can take anything from 6 months to 2 years to process depending on the nature of the scheme. Early engagement is critical to ensuring success during the consultation phase.

Any designs, approvals and agreements should consider that an application for a TRO is not guaranteed to be successful.

All schemes, including minor ones, are still subject to the same legal procedures.


Typical costs (for guide only) involved in a TRO are:

  • A minimum £3,500 Traffic and Safety Management staffing and administration costs for processing the TRO, increasing with complexity and risk;
  • £10,700 County Solicitor’s staffing costs;
  • £1,000 for each public notice in a local newspaper (minimum of 2 notices);
  • Cost of works on site (the signs and lines required to enforce the Order): each scheme is unique and therefore there is no “typical” figure. As an indication, costs per scheme in recent years have ranged from £100 to £25,000;
  • Issuing works instructions, liaison with contractors and site supervision can be provided at extra cost if required.

There is a non-refundable minimum charge of £7,500 for all basic TRO’s. This fee increases based on the complexity of the TRO and is charged per TRO type. Costs incurred above the fee paid will be recovered. The TRO fee does not include any work on site.

Need further information?
Traffic and Safety