Particularly if you are new to the development process in Leicestershire, it is recommended that you read all the guidance and refer to the following process charts:
The council is committed to helping developers bring forward high quality, sustainable development that meets the needs of communities.
Factors for a successful application
Below are some key factors that will help developers’ submissions progress through the planning consultation and approval processes.
Early engagement
This is critical to helping avoid future stumbling blocks.
Pre-application enquiry
Developers can make a free confidential pre-application enquiry to the council’s Highway Development Management (HDM) team - see contact details below.
Planning performance agreements can help both the council and developers come to an agreement on key issues and we support their use along with our Local Planning Authority (LPA) colleagues.
We can ensure that the right transport modelling assessment tools are being employed for the scale of development - refer to our ‘Transport modelling’ section.
Pre-submission technical advice
Additionally, on application, the council’s Infrastructure Planning team can provide a pre-submission technical advice service. This service is subject to a non-refundable charge to cover additional work and risk. Taking advantage of this service could help accelerate the approvals process.
Although technical approval can only be issued following resolution to approve a full planning permission, an agreement in principle can then be provided for the design work. An agreement in principle does not prejudice the technical approval process and is subject to planning conditions or design changes. PSTA is not a priority service and is dependent on resource availability.
Choice of consultant
Think about your choice of consultant:
- Are they familiar with the site?
- Have they previously worked in Leicestershire?
- Do they have a knowledge and understanding of the LHDG and our processes and procedures?
- Do they have experience of dealing with projects of a similar type and scale?
- Are they going to work in your best interests?
Refer to the LHDG in your planning application
We recommend understanding and referencing the LHDG in your application.
We expect everyone to work within the 7 principles that form the basis for the LHDG policy and guidance, from how we communicate, to facilitating safe and effective highway and tackling climate change.
Referring to the LHDG in your application may help minimise delays at the consultation stage. Not providing the minimum required information will only result in delays.
Ensure your consultant shares their report with you before submitting.
What we look for in your application
Working together will increase your chances of submitting a successful application.
Failure to demonstrate consideration of the following may result in the council refusal of your application.
Content of your submission
- Reference to National Planning Policy Framework and the LHDG.
- Is safe and appropriate access provided for all users?
- Is consideration given to the sustainability of development?
- What is the level of impact on the highway and public right of way network?
- What are the highway safety implications?
- Is the submission based on evidence?
Detailed design and deliverability
- One quality submission will be more efficiently dealt with than numerous iterations presented in a race to submit.
- Do you know your proposals? Is your consultant experienced, knowledgeable and familiar with our requirements, processes and procedures?
- Do you have all the consents you need, e.g. ordinary watercourse consent?
- Will your scheme impact on the wider network and how will this impact on time and cost? Don’t assume you will be immediately granted access to the network, there may be a queue.
Legal Agreements
- Ensure you understand the process, our information requirements and standard clauses. We have example agreements to help with this.
- Ensure the bond is in place so that agreements can be signed, and you can get to work on the highway.
Assessing proposals against guidance
Where approaches described in the LHDG are not presented as policy, for example the use of the word should or normally, the developer/owner applicant may be requested to submit a request in writing (email acceptable) to the relevant officer for approval.
The relevant officer will confirm receipt of the written request before considering the query in full, within a reasonable time frame. After consideration the relevant officer will provide the applicant with a decision. At the heart of the decision will be relevant officer’s duty to be mindful of highway safety and public interest.