School parking provision

Parking in the vicinity of schools, as children are dropped-off or collected, is a safety hazard and can cause traffic congestion.

For new residential developments, the need for a new school on the site and its planned location must be established at the master planning stage in consultation with the council and the local planning authority. This will avoid future issues related to road safety and traffic congestion and ensure that the adoptable carriageway width standard of 6.75m is adhered to on school access roads. 

The design of highways adjacent to new and existing school sites must:

  • Encourage active travel options;
  • provide ‘safe routes to school’; and
  • minimise the risk of on-street parking problems.

These measures will need to be considered as part of the transport assessment for the development, alongside the requirement for a school travel plan. The same requirements also apply to proposals for the expansion of an existing school and provision of new highway close to an existing school site. 

Whilst the council will seek to ensure that sustainable transport opportunities are taken up through the planning process, it is recognised that there will still be a demand for drop-off and pick-up to school by car. Accordingly, the council will seek to ensure that safe off-street drop-off/pick-up provision is provided for at school sites. 

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Highway Development Management