Land Use Class Sui Generis |
Threshold for applying the standard | Minimum Number of parking Spaces | Minimum Number of Operational / Lorry Spaces |
Cinema and Conference
No threshold | 1 per 5 seats. | Some facilities will require at least one coach space, more depending on demand. Where necessary, available space off-highway should be provided for servicing / delivery vehicles. This could be undertaken in a coach space depending on the operational nature of the facility. Pre-application discussion recommended. |
Stadia | No threshold | Pre-application discussion required. | Pre-application discussion required. |
Public houses, wine bars, licensed clubs, drinking establishments. | No threshold | 1 customer space per 3sqm pubic area plus 1 staff space for each residential member of staff plus 1 staff space per 40sqm for non-residential staff. If extended food provision, then pre-application discussion recommended, as additional parking may be required. |
Available space off-highway for servicing / delivery vehicles. If extended food provision, then pre-application discussion recommended, as additional facilities may be required. |
Hot food takeaways | No threshold | 1/25sqm | Requirements for servicing / delivery / operational vehicles to be considered based on need. Pre-application discussion recommended. |
Drive through restaurant or coffee shop | No threshold | 1 customer space per 3sqm pubic area plus 1 staff space per 10 tables or per 40sqm. | Available space off-highway for servicing / delivery vehicles. Pre-application discussion recommended. |
Theatres; amusement arcades/centres or funfairs; launderettes; fuel stations; hiring, selling and/or displaying motor vehicles; taxi businesses; scrap yards, or a yard for the storage/distribution of minerals and/or the breaking of motor vehicles; ‘Alkali work’ (any work registerable under the Alkali, etc. Works Regulation Act 1906 (as amended)); hostels (providing no significant element of care); waste disposal installations for the incineration, chemical treatment or landfill of hazardous waste; retail warehouse clubs; nightclubs; casinos; betting offices/shops; pay day loan shops; venues for live music performance – newly defined as ‘Sui Generis’ use from 1 September 2020; concert halls – from 1 September 2020, previously Class D2(b); bingo halls – from 1 September 2020, previously Class D2(c); dance halls – from 1 September 2020, previously Class D2(d) | Pre-application discussion required. | Pre-application discussion required. |