A Transport Assessment (TA) is far more comprehensive. It will normally cover a much wider area and focus on:
- reducing the need to travel, especially by car;
- promoting access to the development by all sustainable modes of travel;
- dealing with residual car trips and how their impacts can be mitigated (reduced); and
- Site access and operational requirements.
For guidance on the content of a Transport Statement (TS) or TA, please refer to the guidelines in LHDG “Transport Assessment Guidance” for more details.
As previously indicated, when a TA is required, the Local Highway Authority (LHA) strongly recommends that the scope of assessment is agreed with the LHA at the pre-application stage in advance of the TA being prepared. major transport assessment.
The council is currently preparing detailed guidance on preparing travel plans, expected to be available later in 2024, however the council currently expects these to be prepared in line with best practice.
The need for sustainable transport obligations in connection with different types and scales of development is set out in the council’s planning obligations policy, which is currently under review.