Overview and key supporting documents
Please also refer to the "Development and public rights of way" document available as pdf below.
Paragraph 105 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that “Planning policies and decisions should protect and enhance Public Rights of Way and access, including taking opportunities to provide better facilities for users, for example by adding links to existing rights of way networks…”. The council will expect that where Public Rights of Way are impacted by development that consideration is given not just to replacement or reinstatement but enhancement of the provision. Additionally, the effect a development has on a Public Right of Way is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
On sites that are subject to Public Rights of Way the following should be considered when designing the layout of a development.
Key Documents Relating to Planning and Public Rights of Way.
- Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way
- Planning Inspectorate Public Rights of Way section Advice Note No.9
- Rights of Way Circular (1/09) Guidance for Local Authorities
- National Planning Policy Framework
- Guidance on information requirements and validation, Dept for Communities and Local Government
- Leicestershire County Council’s Planning Obligations Policy (July 2019)
- LCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Leicestershire Local Access Forum
The Leicestershire Local Access Forum (LLAF) assists the team by offering advice as deemed appropriate. The LLAF is an independent statutory body, set up following the enactment of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000, and exists to represent the interests of everyone concerned with access to the countryside and the public rights of way network including footpaths, bridleways and byways, cycleways and areas of open access. Section 94 of the CROW act makes it a statutory function of the Forum to give advice to a range of bodies, including local authorities, on access issues in respect of land use planning matters.