The council's inspection of new street lighting installations

An inspection of street lighting and illuminated signs works will be undertaken when:

  • Written confirmation has been received that the installation has been undertaken as per the technically approved design and is therefore in full compliance with the council’s Specification and Standard Drawings;
  • All the required information listed in Street lighting compliance has been submitted to the council.

If the installation is found to be non-compliant, then a comprehensive defect list will be provided. Once the remedial work has been completed, the council should be notified and will attend one further site inspection to verify the required standards have been met. If, following remedial works, the installation is still considered to be unacceptable then the council will charge for each subsequent inspection. 

Please note, should multiple chargeable inspections be required subsequent inspections will not be undertaken until payment for the previous inspection has been made to the council, and confirmation that payment has been received. It is therefore in the developer’s interest to ensure the development has been installed as per the technically approved drawings as this could cause a delay in the developer site being adopted and incur additional costs.

If the developer fails to provide all the necessary information in a timely manner, it will result in a delay in the development being adopted.

Inspections of all illuminated signs will be included as part of the street lighting inspections.

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Development Approvals