The Transport Projects & Programmes (TPP) team can supply the following information in relation to the modelling of traffic signal junctions in Leicestershire (excluding junctions maintained by National Highways):
- As-built LINSIG models
- As-built traffic signal drawings
- Controller Configuration Documents
- MOVA dataset/MOVA tools files
- Traffic signal timings (VA, CLF, MOVA etc.)
For a current price list and order form for the above items, or to talk to the TPP team about the council’s in-house traffic signal design services (including new junctions, mitigation improvement schemes, pedestrian/cycle crossings etc.) please email
To undertake any traffic signal design, we would require base and future traffic flows and topographical survey/civils base drawing where available. Pedestrian crossing surveys and/or vehicle speed surveys may also be required (these can also be provided via the NDI team).
Information required from applicants submitting TA junction models
Junction capacity assessments form an integral part of Transport Assessments submitted in support of planning applications. For the council to check the submitted junction capacity assessments, the following information is required:
Actual model files should be provided (not just PDF input/output/results reports) and these models should be compatible with the following software:
Traffic signal junctions – LINSIG version 3.2 and above (JCT)
For a network of closely interacting traffic signalled junctions, a network LINSIG model is required unless the applicant has been advised by the HDM team that a VISSIM model should be submitted.
Evidence for how intergreens have been calculated shall be provided. For existing sites junctions, the current intergreens shall be used and for new or modified proposals, intergreen calculations based on measurements are to be provided or an output file from QuickGreen (JCT) intergreen calculator software.
Priority junctions including non-signalised roundabouts – Junctions 9 or Junctions 10 (TRL)
The measured geometric parameters used for the calculations should be submitted and shown on a 1:500 or 1:200 scale plan (or CAD file can be submitted) to allow the checking and validation process to be carried out.
For roundabouts, lane usage should be considered where traffic flows are imbalanced over approach lanes and, if required, slope and intercept corrections should be made (alternatively a duplicate model can be supplied that incorporates the “lane simulation” feature of Junctions 9 and 10).