The Active Travel Matrix (Matrix) below (Table 17) presents the council’s expectations regarding provision that complies with Local Transport Note 1/20 "Cycle Infrastructure Design" (LTN 1/20) (Figure 18 from LTN 1/20 below) requirements within various common scenarios and road typologies in Leicestershire. If there are constraints that mean that these expectations cannot be met that this must be discussed with the Highway Development Management team at the earliest opportunity.
Figure 18: LTN 1/20 Chapter 4 Figure 4.1: Appropriate protection from motor traffic on highways
Local Transport Note 1/20 and the active travel matrix
The Matrix is intended as guidance regarding the council’s expectations and is not necessarily prescriptive. In addition to the proposed road typology, the design of provisions should consider the physical environment (including the character of an area), the proximity of existing active travel assets and vital services such as doctor’s surgeries and transport hubs and any other opportunities and constraints. Please refer to the latest guidance relating to inclusive mobility to ensure regard is given to provision for those with disabilities.
In considering the protection for users of active travel facilities, Manual for Streets (MfS) and LTN 1/20 describe how designers should consider the context of the road in terms of its function so that the character of a location is not negatively impacted.
Designers must refer to the LTN 1/20’s key principles when developing proposals to assess whether active travel connectivity is:
- Coherent
- Direct
- Safe
- Comfortable
- Attractive
Definition of cycle provision:
- Segregation – dedicated protected cycle track for cyclists, which can be:
- Fully kerbed cycle track
- Stepped cycle track
- Cycle lane – on carriageway cycle lane
- None – mixed cycle and motor vehicle traffic
The council is unlikely support the provision of light segregation.
Existing roads and/or those that are external to but serve development | |||||
Location | Road type | Existing facilities/other considerations (1) | Road speed (mph) / traffic flows |
Segregated, cycle lane or mixed traffic |
Type of provision |
Rural | Existing external link road (distributor road) (s.278) | No adjacent significant facilities or Active Travel infrastructure |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Mixed traffic | None |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Cycle lane | On carriageway cycle lane | |||
Urban/Peri-urban |
Major Residential Access (spine road) or External link road (distributor road) |
With opportunities to link into the urban network
Significant HGVs use |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Segregated | Fully kerbed cycle track |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Fully kerbed cycle track | |||
All locations | Major Commercial Access | Significant HGVs use |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Segregated | Stepped cycle track |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Fully kerbed cycle track | |||
All locations | Existing Major Access Roads that are external to the development site (s.278 type scheme) |
Should meet the above standards where practicable. Shared surface (pedestrian / cycle traffic permitted without kerbed segregation) may be permitted. |
All locations | Existing Minor Access Roads that are external to the development site (s.278 type scheme) |
Should meet the above standards where practicable. Shared surface (pedestrian / cycle traffic permitted without kerbed segregation) may be permitted. |
Internal development roads | |||||
Location | Road type | Existing infrastructure (1) | Road speed / traffic flows | Segregated, cycle lane or mixed traffic | Type of provision |
Rural | Minor residential | No existing links /facilities |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Mixed traffic | None |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Stepped cycle track | |||
Rural | Minor residential | Sustrans or major network infrastructure link (vulnerable resident – schools, health facilities) – future proofing |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Cycle lane | On carriageway cycle lane |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Stepped cycle track | |||
Rural | Residential Shared surface | No existing links /facilities |
Speed <=20 and/or Flows <=3000
Mixed Traffic | None |
Urban | Minor residential | Urban – small development, no existing connectivity |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <3000
Mixed Traffic | None |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000 |
Cycle lane | On carriageway cycle lane | |||
Urban | Minor residential | Urban – SUE / new settlement or larger development of typically more than 500 dwellings /LCWIP |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000
Segregated | Stepped cycle track |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Fully kerbed cycle track | |||
Urban | Minor residential | Small development urban location good adjacent connectivity that could be upgraded or access to key facilities (schools, health centres etc.) – vulnerable residents |
Speed <30 / and/or Flows <=3000
Mixed Traffic | None |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000
Segregated | Stepped cycle track | |||
Urban | Residential Shared surface |
Speed <=20 and/or Flows <=3000
Mixed Traffic | None | |
All locations | Minor Commercial | HGV use |
Speed <30 and/or Flows <=3000 |
Cycle Lane | On carriageway cycle lane |
Speed >=30 and/or Flows >3000 |
Segregated | Stepped cycle track |
(1) Opportunity to connect to existing active travel facilities, transport hubs, health centres/doctor’s surgeries, schools and other care establishments.
The council recognises that providing infrastructure on the existing road network under a Section 278 agreement may present physical constraints that limit the ability to provide facilities to the expected preferred standard set out within LTN 1/20 and the LHDG. However, developers should look to innovate to enable connectivity of facilities.