Construction standards for private drives and areas

A private or unadopted road is owned, maintained and controlled by a private person, persons or corporation rather than the Local Highway Authority. Private roads are not usually open to the public.

Construction standards for private drives and areas

The construction standards for residential drives serving 5 dwellings or fewer should be in accordance with that for footway vehicular and field accesses, as shown in standard drawing SD/11/5D. In other cases, they should be in line with Table 36. Contact the council for permeable pavement design.

Table 36: Private road construction depths
    Road less than 25m long serving 6 to 25 dwellings Road more than 25m long serving 6 to 25 dwellings Road serving more than 25 dwellings
Bituminous Surface course CGM 30mm 30mm 40mm
Binder course DBM 85mm 60mm 60mm
Base DBM - 110 150
Sub-base & Capping 270mm Type 1 GSB(a) See Table 36
Block Paving Blockwork 60mm 80mm 80mm
Bedding sand (compacted) 30mm 30mm 30mm
Base DBM 90mm 110 150mm
Sub-base & Capping 270mm Type 1 GSB(a) See Table 35


CGM = Close graded macadam   DBM = Dense bitumen macadam

(a)The sub-base is to be increased to 365mm for CBR’s of 2% or less.

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