Siting bus stops

Agreements required for new or relocated bus stops

Should the developer be required to erect a new bus stop or relocate an existing bus stop on an existing passenger highway, agreement must be sought from:

  • the local highway authority;
  • the police;
  • the local parish council (if appropriate) / local ward councillors; and
  • bus operators.
  • Adjacent residents should be notified of any changes.

Siting Bus Stops

The proposed layout of the development must be carefully considered in the immediate vicinity of a bus stop to:

  • Ensure bus drivers and passengers waiting at the stop have ample time to see each other.
  • Ensure vehicles overtaking a stationary bus have satisfactory forward visibility;
  • Ensure bus stop pairs are staggered and not sited directly opposite each other; 
  • prevent parked vehicles blocking bus stops;
  • avoid safety conflicts with road junctions, pedestrian or cycle crossings and so on;
  • Ideally avoid interference with accesses to properties;
  • make sure there is satisfactory drainage where raised kerbing is installed;
  • minimise risks to personal safety and opportunities for crime; and
  • protect bus stops from obstruction.

Siting bus shelters and the footway

The minimum footway width at a bus stop should be 3.5m. Where a shelter is to be provided, it should be located at the back of the footway and there should be at least 2m clearance between any part of the shelter and the edge of the carriageway. There may be circumstances where alternative designs are required, such as at honeypot locations, in this instance please speak to the council regarding your requirements.

diagram showing options for siting bus stops at the back, front and centre of the footway

Figure 23: Options for siting bus stops


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Development Approvals