Where no figure is shown, sums will be calculated on a site-by-site basis.
Please be aware that the rates detailed below are based upon the existing 60-year calculation period.
For Section 278 works commuted sums will not normally be applied for the existing area of carriageway unless it is a non-standard material (in that case the commuted sum would be the difference between the commuted sum for the standard and nonstandard material).
A full commuted sum would be required for any additional carriageway created (e.g. right turn lane), or any new feature created (e.g. refuge/splitter island, additional lighting, bollards etc.). This is because the additional carriageway and features created above those existing are only required to provide the access for the new development, and therefore it is reasonable to require a commuted sum to maintain them in the future.
Item | Units | Commuted Sum (£) |
Carriageway and shared-surface surfacing materials |
Carriageway (standard bituminous materials and SMA) -residential estate roads | Sq m | £16.80 |
Carriageway (standard bituminous materials and SMA) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £55.20 |
Carriageway (standard bituminous materials and SMA) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £43.91 |
Carriageway (hot rolled asphalt) - residential | Sq m | £26.04 |
Carriageway (hot rolled asphalt)- classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £32.73 |
Carriageway (hot rolled asphalt) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £26.04 |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | £50.86 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £58.80 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS AND APPROACHES TO CONTROLLED CROSSINGS | Sq m | £264.07 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £220.80 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £19.75 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £24.83 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £22.20 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £26.93 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £33.85 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £30.27 |
Carriageway (Permeable block paving) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £26.93 |
Footway and hard paving surfacing materials |
Footway (standard bituminous materials) - all roads | Sq m | £15.96 |
Footway ( 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving) all roads | Sq m | £34.98 |
Footway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - all roads | Sq m | £46.98 |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | £63.19 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) - all roads | Sq m | £58.80 |
Conservation Slabs 450 x 450 x 70 - residential estate roads | Sq m | £34.98 |
Conservation Slabs (Marshalls) 450 x 450 x 70 - classified/distributor/industrial roads | Sq m | £41.64 |
Kerbs |
Conservation'/'Charnwood' type kerbs | Linear metre | £13.53 |
Fencing |
Knee rail fencing | Linear metre | £53.72 |
Typical 2m high acoustic fence to HA66/95 | Linear metre | £270.03 |
Post and rail fence | Linear metre | £82.89 |
Structures |
Retaining wall | site specific calculation | |
Drainage |
Sustainable urban drainage systems | Site specific calculation | |
Hydrobrake | item | £5,890.82 |
Non-standard drainage system elements | Site specific calculation | |
Culvert debris screen | Item | Site specific calculation |
Petrol and oil interceptors | Item | Site specific calculation |
Combined kerb and drainage systems - residential | Linear metre | £129.59 |
Combined kerb and drainage systems - classified / distributor / industrial | Linear metre | £110.63 |
Bollards and Street Furniture |
Typical Plastic Linpac / Glasdon Bollard | Item | £303.28 |
Concrete Bollard | Item | £288.62 |
Wooden Bollard | Item | £355.72 |
Cast Iron Bollard | Item | Site specific calculation |
Cycle stand | item | £508.42 |
Trees, planting and landscaping |
Verges & other grassed areas | Sq m | £8.29 |
Small tree | Item | £1,562.01 |
Medium tree | Item | £2,216.98 |
Large Forest Tree (minimum 100 year lifespan) | Item | £2,049.20 |
Existing Large Tree | Item | Site specific calculation |
Tree grills | Item | Site specific calculation |
Planters and raised beds | Site specific calculation | |
Shrub / Ground Cover Planting | Sq m | £71.30 |
Earthwork environmental bunds | Site specific calculation | |
Speed restraint features |
Overrun areas to roundabout (granite setts) | Sq m | £293.45 |
Overrun areas to speed control bends (granite setts) | Sq m | £240.92 |
Mini roundabouts | Item | Site specific calculation |
Bus shelters | Item | Site specific calculation |
Bus gates | Item | Site specific calculation |
Street Lighting |
Standard 5m columns | Item | £1,278.36 |
Standard Raise and Lower 5m column | Item | £1,534.03 |
Standard 6m columns | Item | £1,317.89 |
Standard Raise and Lower 6m column | Item | £1,581.47 |
Standard 8m columns | Item | Site specific calculation |
Standard 10m columns | Item | Site specific calculation |
Heritage 6m (Newcastle) columns | Item | Site specific calculation |
Heritage 8m (Edinburgh) columns | Item | Site specific calculation |
Illuminated traffic signs |
Not exceeding 1m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
Illuminated more than 1m2 and not exceeding 3m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
Illuminated more than 3m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
Non-illuminated traffic signs |
Not exceeding 1m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
More than 1m2 and not exceeding 3m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
More than 3m2 sign face | Item | Site specific calculation |
Illuminated bollards | Item | Site specific calculation |
Traffic signals | site specific calculation |
Item | Units | Commuted Sum (£) |
Carriageway or shared-surface surfacing materials |
Carriageway (standard bituminous materials & SMA) -all roads | Sq m | Nil for S38 - CS for additional areas for S278 works see Schedule 1 |
Carriageway (hot rolled asphalt) - all roads | Sq m | Nil for S38 - CS for additional areas for S278 works see Schedule 1 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - residential estate roads | Sq m | Nil for S38 - CS for additional areas for S278 works see Schedule 1 |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | 15.27 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £46.39 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £175.30 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) and high friction surfacing (anti-skid) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £113.23 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | Nil for S38 - CS for additional areas for S278 works see Schedule 1 |
Carriageway (200 x 100 x 80 mm concrete block paving) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £8.65 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £5.57 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - classified/distributor/industrial roads JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £12.07 |
Carriageway (Tegula blockwork or similar) - classified/distributor/industrial roads NON JUNCTIONS | Sq m | £11.85 |
Carriageway (Permeable block paving) - residential estate roads | Sq m | £10.56 |
Surface dressing using locally-sourced granite aggregate chippings | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using pea gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using pea gravel aggregate from non-local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from non-local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Standard surface course materials using coloured binder and coloured aggregate or chippings | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
‘Imprint’ or other similar approved hot applied, polymer-modified, synthetic bitumen-based compound, surface applied block paving alternative finish | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Footway and hard paving surfacing materials |
Footway ( 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving) | Sq m | Nil for S38 - CS for additional areas for S278 works see Schedule 1 |
‘Tegula’ or similar approved concrete block paving surface course | Sq m | £10.60 |
Conservation Slabs (Marshalls) 450 x 450 x 70 | Sq m | Residential £18.10 Non-residential £54.97 |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | £37.76 |
Hot or cold applied coloured surfacing (resin system) | Sq m | £48.31 |
Surface dressing using locally-sourced granite aggregate chippings | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using crushed rock aggregate from specific non-local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using pea gravel aggregate from local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using pea gravel aggregate from non-local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Surface dressing using crushed gravel aggregate from non-local source | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
Standard surface course materials using coloured binder and or coloured aggregate or chippings | Sq m | Site specific calculation |
‘Imprint’ or other similar approved hot applied, polymer modified, synthetic bitumen-based compound, surface applied block paving alternative finish | Sq m | Site specific calculation |