Internal Development Road Types
For the purposes of the LHDG the five main internal road typologies commonly used within development in Leicestershire are:
- Major Residential Access Road (Primary Streets) (Figure 1)
- Residential Access Road (Secondary & Local Streets) (Figure 2)
- Shared Surface Residential Accesses (Tertiary Streets) (Figure 3)
- Major industrial access road
- Minor industrial access road
Shared Surface and Minor Residential Roads should have a stronger place identity, but Major Residential Access Roads in particular serve a significant movement function.
The Figures 1 to 3 below define the expected layouts for residential provision; for Major Residential and Residential Access Roads an absolute minimum and augmented (enhanced) standard are shown. The illustrative drawings provided below are not intended to be prescriptive but illustrate the council’s general expectations regarding layout principles.
Figures 1-3 are not standalone and must be considered alongside all the guidance in the LHDG. For example, a Residential Access Road at 4.8m wide is only appropriate for access roads up to 50 dwellings, for over 50 dwellings they must be 5.5m.
In particular, refer to Table 3 and sections on active travel, green infrastructure
LCC will facilitate and encourage the provision of the augmented standard. The requirement for provision should be identified at the planning stage in discussion with the Local Planning Authority and the LCC. The type of provision will depend on the aspirations for the development and local plan policy. Design should accord with active travel guidance and highway constructed to an adoptable standard.
Please also refer to the LHDG’s Active Travel Matrix
Figure 1: Major Residential Access Road (Primary Streets)
Major Residential Access Road (Primary Streets)
- Typically provide a primarily movement function.
- Road between strategic routes or linking urban centres.
- Primarily segregated active travel routes.
- Bus access is likely
Figure 2: Expected design for residential access roads (augmented and absolute minimum standards)
Residential Access Road (Secondary & Local Streets)
- Both movement and place function.
- Multi-modal corridor with pedestrian, cycle, bus and other motor vehicle activity.
- Active travel interventions will depend on traffic flows and speeds.
Figure 3: Expected absolute minimum design standard for shared surface residential access roads
Shared Surface Residential Access (Tertiary Street)
- Strong place function.
- Emphasis on pedestrian and cyclist use.
- Not acceptable for use as a bus route
Residential developments of more than 1000 dwellings and commercial developments
Internal roads for residential development of more than 1000 dwellings and employment and commercial developments should be designed to comply with LHDG guidance, and the council’s specification and standard drawings. The council will consider the design of development roads for sites of more than 1000 dwellings, or which are otherwise not covered by the following guidance, on a site-by-site basis.