HDM policy 3: highway safety

The council will review development road safety information, to ensure the scheme and development proposals do not raise unacceptable safety concerns, and the Road Safety Audit process has been satisfactorily undertaken. 

Implementing Policy 3

New highway and transportation proposals must meet the conditions of the LHDG Road Safety Audit Policy. Proposals for new highway schemes and development must not raise unacceptable safety concerns.

Policy 3 Context
Scheme designs must be subject to road safety audit requirements in accordance with the national standards defined in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges and the relevant sections of the LHDG. A more inclusive approach involving slower traffic speeds (where identified through assessment as being necessary) is advocated to create a safer environment.
In addition to the Road Safety Audit policy, the council has prepared a series of checklists and templates to help developers meet expected requirements.
Street layouts must be designed to ensure the needs of emergency and waste collection services are accommodated. 
In accordance with National Planning Policy Framework 117 (e), development should “be designed to enable charging of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.” For the safety of all highway users, the council does not permit the trailing of cables from private residences across any part of the highway; development must be designed to enable charging of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.


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Highway Development Management