Before commencing construction works

To minimise risk to the council, the construction works must not start until the following conditions have been met. 

Legal agreements, surety and fees

Technical approval has been given and the Section 38 agreement has been completed and signed. Commencement of works without a Section 38 signed by all relevant parties may prejudice the council entering into a Section 38 agreement and the future adoption of the roads concerned.

The council will not engage with the parties involved with the development where the appropriate surety bond or cash deposit is not in place. 

Use of any existing access for construction purposes is permitted, providing no alterations to that access within the public highway are required, and planning consent has been granted (where applicable). Where alterations are required, a Section 184 agreement will need to be entered into.

Notification of start 

Five weeks’ notice must be given by email to the road adoptions team of the intention to begin or restart construction work.
The council must be given the opportunity to attend all pre-construction site ground condition and testing meetings. 

Contractor approval

The council will check and approve the developer’s proposed contractor (including any subcontractor), who must have relevant experience and capabilities. References must be provided on request.

The contractor’s insurance 

The council must be indemnified (protected from legal responsibility) against any claims by third parties arising from the road works. Before the council approves a contractor, written evidence must be provided they hold a minimum of £10 million public liability insurance with no limit on the number of claims.

Pre-start meeting

The council will arrange a ‘pre-start’ meeting with the developer/designer and contractor to discuss the process and requirements.
Please see Standard Agenda for the pre-start meeting and ‘Standard Conditions Applying to Construction’ for further details on pre-start meetings.
The meeting should be attended by the developer’s representative, the designer, the contractor for the highway works, the development inspections officer and the development approvals engineer. Other highway authority representatives may attend if required.

Health and safety

Written confirmation must be provided that the Health and Safety Executive has been notified of the Client for the works for the purposes of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (see Health and Safety). Legal agreements will indemnify the council against all claims, liabilities and actions.

Submission is required of full details of any traffic management proposals for the construction of the road works for approval by the authority.

Need further information?
Development Approvals