HDM policy 2: access to the existing highway network

The council will apply a risk-based assessment of proposals for new accesses onto the existing highway network and alterations to and / or intensification of existing accesses so that they do not result in unacceptable road safety and operational concerns.

Implementing Policy 2

All developments that generate significant amounts of traffic movement are required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a vision-led transport statement or transport assessment (in accordance with “Preparing Development Proposals” section of the LHDG) so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed. 

The council will work with developers to ensure applications do not create unacceptable road safety and operational concerns regarding new accesses or impacts on existing accesses.

Please refer to Table 1 ‘Normal Minimum Additional Details Required to Support Development Proposals’

Policy 2 Context
To ensure the provision of safe and suitable accesses for all users, the council will employ a risk-based approach to assessing the impact of proposals on new connections or alterations to the existing road network. 
The council encourages early engagement to discuss issues related future accesses onto the network.
In consideration of safety and efficient operation, the council will assess access proposals using a risk-based approach that considers relevant data including whether a proposal sits on Leicestershire's Resilient Network, the Major Road Network vehicle volumes and speed limit, actual speeds and accident records alongside other relevant transport information provided by the developer. 
Where necessary data is unavailable this must be provided to the council by the developer. Please refer to the council’s Data Collection section.
Where access is acceptable to the council in principle, the council will expect its layout to comply with LHDG design guidance.  The council will advise refusal of any planning application that raises severe concerns regarding road safety. Approval for a new access (and any associated development) will also depend on the planning authority where planning permission is required.


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Highway Development Management