If access is to be determined in detail, the Local Highway Authority (LHA) is likely to require the submission of the following:
- Site access proposals which cater for all users, including those with accessibility needs;
- Preliminary site access designs and supporting information must accord with the Leicestershire Highway Design Guide (LHDG). The site access design must demonstrate that the access is deliverable within land under the control of the applicant and / or adopted highway;
- Site access designs which meet all road safety-related criteria; and
- Operational analysis, which shows that the access will be capable of accommodating sufficient vehicle flows, where appropriate; and
- Vehicle swept path analysis to show that satisfactory access can be gained by the vehicle types which are expected to use it.
Where access is not being determined in detail, the LHA will require sufficient information to determine whether safe and suitable access is likely to be achievable when a future reserved matters application is submitted. In practice, depending on the site, this could require some or all the above information to be submitted even if access is not being determined.