Provision Levels
As the Manual for Streets (MfS) and Local Transport Note 1/20 "Cycle Infrastructure Design" (LTN 1/20) emphasizes, providing well-located, safe and secure cycle parking is a major factor in encouraging people to cycle as an alternative to using the private car. As such, the parking standards in Table 27 below are the normal minimum requirements and are based on LTN 1/20. Where standards are not provided in Table 27 for a particular land use, the reader should refer to LTN 1/20 and, if not included there either, contact us for advice via the pre-application process.
Use class | Description of land use | Provision | Use class |
E(a), E(b), some suis generis uses | Shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs |
One long stay space per 500m2 gross floor area (GFA) for staff and operational use, parking to be secure and under cover. One short stay space for every 250m2 GFA for customer use to be in the form as shown in 52, parking to be located in a prominent and convenient location. |
E(a), E(b), some suis generis uses |
E(c), E(g)(i) | Financial and professional services, offices |
One long stay space per 200m2 GFA for staff and operational use, parking to be secure and under cover. One short stay space per 1,000m2 GFA for customer use to be in the form as shown in Figure 51, parking to be located in a prominent and convenient location. |
E(c), E(g)(i) |
B2, B8, E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii) | General industry, storage and distribution, research and development, industrial processes |
One long stay space per 500m2 GFA for staff and operational use, parking to be secure and under cover. One short stay space per 1,000m2 GFA for customer use to be in the form as shown in Figure 51, parking to be located in a prominent and convenient location. |
B2, B8, E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii) |
C3 |
Dwelling houses If cycle parking is not provided for residential developments, it may affect the way the council considers the use of garages, i.e. whether they should count towards parking provision. |
One space for every bedroom, parking to be under cover and secure.
C3 |
C4 | Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO) | One parking space per resident. This also applies to ‘suis generis’ HMOs with more than six residents. Parking to be under cover and secure. | C4 |
F1(a) | Education |
One space per 20 staff members and one space per 10 students. Staff and student parking to be provided separately. Parking to be in the form as shown in Figure 51 and to be in a prominent and convenient location. |
F1(a) |
E(a), E(b), some suis generis uses | Shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs |
One long stay space per 500m2 gross floor area (GFA) for staff and operational use, parking to be secure and under cover. One short stay space for every 250m2 GFA for customer use to be in the form as shown in 52, parking to be located in a prominent and convenient location. |
E(a), E(b), some suis generis uses |
Developments or circumstances not covered in the above table will be assessed on a site-by-site basis.
Cycle parking design
All cycle parking must:
- be secure and normally with weather protection provided at least for long stay parking (for example, employees);
- be conveniently located at entrances to buildings;
- enjoy good natural observation;
- be well lit; and
- be located so it does not obstruct pedestrian and cycle routes.
Applicants should consider whether cycle parking is short stay (such as customer parking) or long say (such as employee parking). Different standards of provision may be appropriate, in terms of matters such as shelter and access / location.
If cycle parking is provided on upper floors, such as in flats, lifts that can take bikes should be provided.
Normally Sheffield stands should be provided as illustrated in Figure 45 below. Stands that grip only the front wheel do not provide adequate support or security. When placed 1m apart and 0.5m from the wall, Sheffield stands can accommodate two bicycles. Where more than two stands are required, a ‘toast rack’ facility should be provided.

Figure 43: Sheffield stand - inset 'toast rack' type Sheffield stands can accommodate two cycles if they are placed 1m apart and at least 500mm from any wall
Parking provision should be considered in relation to any travel plan associated with a development proposal.
Please refer to Traffic Advisory Leaflet 5/02 for further information on cycle parking. Guidance regarding fire safety in relation to charging e-cycles and e-scooters can be found on the Department for Transport webpages.