Highway development management

For information about LCC's Highway development management role during the planning process
photo of a direction sign saying policy

This section of the LHDG sets out the policies and assessments relating to the council’s highway development management role, including:

  • The role of the council as the highway authority. 
  • HDM policies and objectives relating to their role as statutory consultee to the planning process. 
  • Preparing development proposals, including the validation requirements for transport assessments, travel plans and other supporting information.
  • Highway data collection requirements.
  • Traffic modelling and the services the council can provide.
  • The council’s Road Safety Audit Policy..

Generally, proposals will be considered acceptable where:

  • the policies, objectives and standards set out in this document are met;
  • they accord with local and national policies and objectives;
  • full supporting details for developments are provided in line with LHDG ‘Preparing Development Proposals’.

As the Local Highway Authority for the county, the council’s primary focus is on prioritising the safety and efficiency of a cohesive transport network. However, the council is also conscious that national policy and guidance is increasingly emphasising the wider role highways should play in delivering attractive, accessible places that offer benefits for the environment and our health and wellbeing.

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Highway Development Management