Sustainable drainage systems

The use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) features to drain the highway is not fully established in Leicestershire and there will be a bedding in period where not all features are currently accepted for adoption. Please see Design Layouts ‘Highway Drainage’ for currently accepted features. Developers should discuss proposed SuDS features during pre-application discussions where they will be updated on the current position on both acceptability and adoption of different SuDS. 

Where SuDS are proposed for highway drainage, discussions must be entered into with all relevant parties before submission of any planning application to agree ownership and responsibility for the facility. The council will not adopt a road until satisfied with the design of the system and that satisfactory arrangements are in place to cover its future maintenance.

The council has standard drawings for drainage features including soakaways, filter drains and ditches. Where standard drawings are not currently available then please refer to Ciria’s “Manual for SuDS”.

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