The level of information the council will require will depend, amongst other things, on the scale and location of proposed works.
The information that the council requires must be submitted along with any other relevant supportive drawings and information to assess the proposed works and overall principals of the design prior to more detailed design being carried out. This will hopefully avoid any abortive design at a later stage.
The information that the council requires must be submitted along with any other relevant supportive drawings and information to assess the proposed works and overall principals of the design prior to more detailed design being carried out. This will hopefully avoid any abortive design at a later stage.
Key information typically required at the preliminary design stage
- Details of planning consent and conditions
- Current state of S278/S38 agreement where appropriate
- Details of any residential properties likely to result in Part 1 claims or noise insulation as part of Land Compensation Act
- Stage 1 safety audit with designer’s response
- Details of pedestrians/cyclist/public transport provision
- Intended treatment of existing Rights of Way
- Traffic flows or traffic study reports
- Evidence of public participation or meetings with relevant third parties
- If not already submitted provide information normally required at the feasibility stage
- Any known relaxations departures from design standards to be identified in the design
- Design speed selection for each highway link
- Justification of highway cross section (carriageway width etc) for appropriate traffic flows where not already agreed or approved (by the council or the planning authority)
- Justification of junction type where not already agreed or approved (by the council or the planning authority). Agree any traffic signal geometric requirements
- 1:1250/1:500 horizontal plans of existing and proposed layout
- Provisional highway boundary position ensuring that signage, street lighting, maintenance is provided for
- Areas intended for landscaping and provisional proposals
- Provisional longitudinal sections of centreline with k values
- New cross sections or typical cross sections showing relationship of proposed profiles with existing ground level
- Visibility splays
- Consideration for requirements for safety fence
- Drainage strategy showing intended outfalls
- Environment Agency approval for discharge of drainage
- Easement if present or proposed
- Proposals for pumps or throttles and temporary storage areas
- Drainage longitudinal sections and indication of those pipes to be adopted by the Council
- Details of borrow pits and or temporary storage areas
- Sources of imported material
- Recycling or other environmental strategy
- Ground investigation reports and identification of any special features or geotechnical aspects
- Direction signing strategy
- General arrangement of structures and AIP Document in accordance with BD 2/02
Statutory undertakers (for example, gas, water, cable TV)
- If it is appropriate at this stage to serve a provisional NRSWA Notice, provide 25 plans suitable for this purpose
Environmental aspects and heritage
- Identification
- Permit to work and licenses
- Reports and findings of surveys and searches