Locating turning heads
A turning head should be provided at the end of all cul-de-sacs or wherever vehicles would otherwise have to reverse over 20m or more. Turning heads should also be provided where turning vehicles might damage adjacent verges or footways. Figures 11-14 show the minimum turning dimensions and areas. Tracking details are required for turning heads to ensure that a 11.2m long waste/recycling vehicle can satisfactorily negotiate a turning area.
Careful consideration must be given to the design of the development surrounding the turning head to ensure that its use is not reduced by on–street parking. Where on-street parking is likely to cause problems, measures must be taken to control it (see “Parking Provision”).
The use of a residential square or similar as an alternative to a turning head may be acceptable where it can be shown that it is unlikely to be impacted by on-street parking. Clear details will be required of who is responsible for maintenance. Where it is intended that the council adopts any extra areas, a commuted sum for future maintenance will be required.

Figure 11: Example turning head with square

Figure 12: Turning heads residential and minor industrial
W = 4.8m up to 50 dwellings
W = 5.5m from 50 - 400 dwellings
W = 6m for E use class office developments
Figure 13: Turning heads for use on industrial and commercial estate roads