Signalised junctions
Local Transport Note 1/20 "Cycle Infrastructure Design" identifies the following signalised junction types in order of protection for cyclists:
- Cycle bypasses;
- Separate cycle phases;
- Cycle and pedestrian-only stage;
- Hold the left;
- Two stage right turns (including cyclops junctions);
- Cycle gate;
- Early release; and
- Advanced stop lines.
The needs of all users, including pedestrians, will need to be considered when introducing signalised junctions, and segregated provision will typically only be expected where protection is required at busy junctions. Decisions regarding which junction type to employ will depend on the outcomes of the Road Safety Audit and Transport Assessment.
‘Roundabouts account for around 20% of all reported cyclist killed or seriously injured (KSI) casualties’ (Pedal Cycling Road Safety Factsheet, DfT, March 2018) and their design should be given careful consideration for the safety of all users.
Typically, roundabouts proposed within new development in Leicestershire will be compact or mini-roundabouts and have corresponding low traffic volumes. In instances where lane widths are narrow and the speeds low due to suitably designed geometry, cyclists can more safely share all parts of the roundabout in the primary position.
Where traffic volumes and speeds are expected to be high at a new roundabout, provision of protected space for cycling off the main carriageway is expected, with cycle priority or signal-controlled crossings of the roundabout entries and exits.