Passenger transport and transport assessments

If new development requires any form of transport assessment (see Highway Development Management ‘Preparing Development Proposals’), early advice from the council and bus operators should be sought on:

  • How new services might reflect and complement existing bus services in the area, and any proposals to upgrade services or facilities, for example, introducing Real Time Passenger Information System (RTPI) (A system which provides waiting passengers with details of when the upcoming departures from that stop and the route number and the route number);
  • how best to serve the proposed development, for example, how appropriate would it be to:
  • operate a bus service through the development; or
  • enhance existing services adjacent to the development and provide improved footway links to the bus stops;
  • where a service is to operate through the development, how best to plan a route and where best to locate bus stops and any lay-bys to encourage maximum use of the service.
  • Measures that might improve passenger transport provision, for example, more frequent services or improvements to existing bus stops should be considered. These issues should be discussed and general approaches agreed as soon as possible as the outcomes are likely to have a bearing on:
  • the development’s layout;
  • the transport assessment;
  • any travel plan;
  • any likely highway mitigation works; and
  • parking provision.

Additionally, where a development requires a concept proposal (see Highway Development Management ‘Preparing Development Proposals’), any agreed passenger transport facilities and routes should be clearly identified.

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