The development in its entirety, including services provided and its geographical context must be considered during the design phase in relation to the suitability of provision of active travel infrastructure. New infrastructure within development should seek to link into the wider network where appropriate.
The location of important community facilities (schools, health centres etc.) within development may influence decisions regarding the suitability of different road types for active travel movements. Active travel routes to these services that follow minor roads, where they offer more direct and safe opportunities, may be preferable to using higher speed routes. These routes could be encouraged through appropriate signage.
Developers are encouraged to speak to the council during the initial stages of scheme design to discuss their intentions for active travel provision. However, it should be noted that for schemes within Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) areas, large Sustainable Urban Extension type developments or Multi Modal Area Investment Plan (MMAIP) locations, the expectation will be for the highest standard of provision possible.
MMAIPs are proposed to be developed as part of the emerging Local Transport Plan 4 and will focus on delivery at the local level, setting out strategies and investment plans for integrated transport solutions to meet the needs and requirements of communities. Active travel designs for LCWIP areas can be viewed on the council website.
Linking to the existing network
The council works with organisations such as Sustrans and other highway authorities to provide a safe and convenient cycle network across the region. Where a site is close to this network or to an LCWIP provision, it will be expected that links will be provided to it as part of proposals. The developer will also be expected to contribute towards its completion.
Signing of routes
Direction signing can help to highlight and promote the use of a route, although care should be taken to minimise clutter and visual disruption. Signing should consider continuity outside of the immediate development. Any signing and lining provided should be designed in line with the guidance in LHDG Materials and Construction and standard drawings.