Inspections and developer maintenance of new landscaping

The council's inspections of new planting will be undertaken during the construction phase and during the developer’s maintenance period to ensure adherence to the specification, including suitable ground preparation, planting system and tree protection.

Maintenance of such planting must be in accordance with clauses 3008 and 3009 of the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW) and Appendices 30/8 and 30/9 of the council’s Specification.

All chemicals, methods of application, materials and tank mixes, methods of working, transportation, storage and records must be strictly in accordance with current legislation and codes of practice and also in accordance with clause 3001 of the MCHW and Appendix 30/2 of the council’s Specification.

Weed control

Weeds must be controlled in accordance with clause 3002 of the MCHW and Appendix 30/2 of the council’s Specification. 

Adopting new green infrastructure

Planted landscaping areas that are to be adopted by the council must be fully planted before the issue of a provisional certificate of completion. This planting must be maintained until the issue of the final certificate or for 24 months, whichever is the longer. If trees are required to be replaced during the maintenance period, then the maintenance period will restart for those elements of the scheme.

Any existing grassed areas must be maintained and establish before any new grassed areas prior to issuing a provisional certificate. Grassed areas must be maintained throughout the developer’s maintenance period and until issue of the final certificate in accordance with clause 3007 of the MCHW and Appendix 30/7 of the council’s Specification.

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Development Approvals