Installing street lighting

The developer is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that equipment purchased and installed is the same as that shown on the approved street lighting design (and thus compliant with council’s Specification and the Standard Drawings);
  • Arranging for an electrical supply for the street lights, either from a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) / Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) or a Highway Authority private electrical supply;
  • Marking out the exact position of the street lights on site for the street lighting contractor;
  • Providing emergency contact details for the IDNO if the supply is taken from an IDNO source.  This will include the name of IDNO, full address, daytime telephone number, 24-hour emergency contact number and an email address;
  • Providing the manufacturer’s batch numbers for each column installed on site, ensuring that they are easily identifiable against the on-site numbering shown on the proposed layout drawings;
  • Providing electrical test certificates for all street lights in accordance with British Standard 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations, IET Wiring Regulations;
  • Paying for all materials/works to be undertaken, as well and the ongoing maintenance and energy costs associated with the street lights until formally adopted by the council.
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Development Approvals