Parking and making provision for service vehicles

photo of a development site with parking

This section details off-street (public highway) parking standards and gives guidance on the design of parking in residential, employment and commercial developments. It covers vehicle parking, provision for service vehicles, motorcycle parking and cycle parking.

The National Planning Policy Framework states that parking is integral to the design of schemes. It requires that:

  • Secure cycle parking should be provided;
  • The local context is considered regarding accessibility, car ownership, availability of passenger transport;
  • Maximum parking standards for residential and non-residential development should only be set where there is a clear and compelling justification that they are necessary;
  • The requirement for lorry parking provision is considered, particularly where there are new facilities proposed that might impact on volumes of heavy goods vehicles;
  • Design reflects the guidance within the National Design Guide

Where suitable parking arrangements are not provided within a development, the council may refuse to adopt the development roads.

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Highway Development Management