The developer is responsible for providing all road markings and traffic signs both on the internal development roads and on the surrounding road network where necessary. Occasionally, this may involve signing at some distance from the development, for example, for routing heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).
At the developments’ site access, lining and signing should be provided in accordance with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 (TSRGD).
For priority junctions within developments, junction lining and signing:
- will not normally be required in residential developments;
- will not normally be required in B1 use class office developments; but
- will be required in all other employment and commercial developments, provided in accordance with TSRGD.
The requirements stated above also apply to carriageway centre-line markings.
Other types of development will be considered on a site-by-site basis.
Signing and lining, in accordance with TSRGD, should also be provided at all road humps/tables, at any entry ramps to side roads and at any other traffic calming features. Where parking bays are not clearly defined, markings will be required to segregate them from the carriageway.
Illumination of signs
Wherever signing and road markings are required, they should be provided in accordance with the requirements set out in “Signing and Lining – Materials and Construction”, including the need for illumination. Which signs will require illumination should be established at an early stage to make sure that appropriate electrical supplies are installed during construction work.
Traffic regulation orders
Where a development requires changes to an existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) or a new order is required, the developer is required to pay all costs, including all consultation and legal costs. TROs are subject to statutory procedures and consultations. This can be a very lengthy process and a successful outcome is not guaranteed. Advice should be sought on the likely timescale and this should be considered when programming proposals.
All internal developments will be subject to a 30mph speed limit, regardless of the internal design speed of the roads and therefore a 30mph speed limit will need to be installed at the entrance, if the development is served off an existing carriageway with a 40mph speed limit or above.