A Design and Check Certificate (DCC) shall be submitted for the TAA acceptance. The DCC shall be signed by both the Design and Check teams and a principal of the organisation responsible for the design/check.
A separate DCC will be required for each element which is classed as a structure in accordance with CG300 Section 3. (Example: A culvert with a span of 2.0m with wing walls with a retained height of 2.0m will require 2 DCC’s)
The DCC shall be approved and signed by the TAA prior to the commencement of any works on site. Failure to comply may result in the structure not being adopted.
The following information shall be provided to the TAA as part of the design submission:
- design calculations,
- general arrangement & construction drawings,
- bar bending schedules.
If proprietary manufactured products are proposed as part of the design and the supplier can demonstrate that they comply with the Construction Products Regulations, they will not be subject to design checks, but the construction will still be subject to certification. Compliance can be demonstrated by the submission of:
- appropriate Declarations of Performance (DoP),
- data about the UKCA or CE markings.