Footways, cycleways and other hard-paved areas on industrial access roads

The construction should be in line with Table 39. Where a vehicle access is crossing the footway to access an employment or commercial development (See Highway layouts and design), the vehicle access must be constructed in line with industrial access road requirements given in Tables 35.

Table 39: Footways and paved areas on industrial access roads – construction
Surfacing 40mm HRA 55/10 F surf 100/150 des
Binder course 90mm AC20 dense bin 160/220 rec
Sub-base(a) 270mm Granular sub-base

(a) The sub-base is to be increased to 365mm for CBRs of 2% or less

The proposed design of hard paved or grassed areas should deter the parking or otherwise accessing of motor vehicles. A request may be made by the council to reconsider design proposals where potential issues are identified related to unsuitable parking. 

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