Discharge from the proposed drainage and consents

Piped system discharges should be constructed in accordance with the council’s standards. Ideally, the end of the pipe should be directed so it discharges at an angle less than 60 degrees to the direction of flow in the ditch or watercourse. Where this is not possible, the absolute minimum angle a pipe may discharge is 90 degrees to the direction of flow. The end of the pipe must have a headwall and apron which supports the bank above and adjacent to the pipe and prevents any scouring underneath the pipe. Banks of the ditch or watercourse must be protected from scouring. 

If the outfall is to an existing highway drain, its capacity and condition must be proven before the connection can be approved. For all works incorporating highway drainage a copy of a CCTV survey and report must be provided.  Any improvement works, including but not limited to, jetting/cleansing, repairs and capacity improvements must be carried out at the developer’s expense.  Existing flows should be maintained where new connections to existing drain.

Land drainage consent

Outfalls to land drains, ditches and watercourses from adjacent land or drainage systems must be managed to the satisfaction of the council (ordinary watercourse) or Environment Agency (main river), this will usually require formal land drainage consent.

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