Please see Table 1 and the accompanying text for advice on when a Travel Plan (TP) and TA or TS is required to assess the impact of a development proposal. It is difficult to impose rigid rules on the scope and content of a TA or TS, as this will depend on the circumstances which exist at each development site. Early pre-application discussions should take place with the council to agree site-specific requirements, however the LHA expects TPs, TAs and TSs to be prepared largely in accordance with the following documents:
- Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) on ‘Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements’ and ‘Transport evidence bases in plan making and decision taking’ and any subsequent or amended PPG which may be released to set out guidance on the vision-led approach; and
- Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Department for Transport (DfT), ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment’ (GTA), March 2007. Whilst GTA was withdrawn by the coalition government alongside much other planning policy and guidance at the time, the council and many other highway authorities continue to consider GTA to form best practice in the assessment of the transport impacts of development proposals.
For applications which would have an impact on the strategic road network, Local Planning Authorities will expect engagement with National Highways and be aware of the content of the DfT Circular 01/2022 ‘Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development’.
It is also advised that the requirements of Active Travel England (ATE) are considered.
Notwithstanding the paragraphs above, please see below for the LHA’s minimum requirements.