Accessible raised kerbing to a height of 180mm will be required at all stops. The length of raised kerbing should normally be 6m in length (plus 1m transition kerbs at either end), with a minimum run of 3m width (plus transition kerbs). The stop should be located and laid out so a bus can stop parallel to and close to the raised kerbing.
At sites with difficult gradients, access kerbs with an upstand of 160 mm will be considered.

Figure 24: Raised kerbs at bus stops
Where lay-bys are to be provided, they should be designed to accommodate 15m long buses. Typical bus lay-by design is shown in Figure 25 below.

Figure 25: Bus lay-by design
A bus stop clearway is carriageway where motorists are not permitted to stop at any time. Where carriageway is designated as a bus stop clearway, the white line as shown in the above Figure is replace with a yellow dashed line along with bus stop or stand text and a thicker 300mm line at the back of the layby as per The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016. There is also a requirement for an upright bus stop clearway sign detailing the time the restriction applies. Requirements for lay-bys should be discussed with the council at an early stage in the design process.
The council will require a commuted sum payment to cover future maintenance of bus stop facilities that are to be maintained.