HDM policy 4: development impact policy

Significant operational and road safety impacts of development on the transport network must be mitigated to an acceptable degree.

Implementing Policy 4

All developments that generate significant amounts of traffic movement are required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a vision-led transport statement or transport assessment (in accordance with “Preparing Development Proposals” section of the LHDG) so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed. 

The LHA will work with developers to ensure that suitable mitigation is proposed where there are significant impacts on capacity, congestion and/or highway safety. Developments which leave significant impacts unmitigated are unlikely to be accepted by the LHA.

Please refer to Table 1 ‘Normal Minimum Additional Details Required to Support Development Proposals’

Policy 4 Context
To demonstrate that a proposed development is appropriate against paragraph 116 of the National Planning Policy Framework, explicitly that it would not result in an unacceptable impact on road safety or that the residual cumulative impact on the road network would not be severe, taking into account all reasonable future scenarios, mitigation may be required in connection with the proposals.
Types of mitigation, which the LHA would seek to secure through the planning process, can include:  
  • Public transport infrastructure and / or services;
  • Active travel improvements;
  • Highway capacity; and
  • Highway safety.


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Highway Development Management