Highway drainage design

photo of highway drain

National planning policy and guidance sets a clear expectation for developers to provide sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) that include benefits for water quantity, water quality, biodiversity and amenity. Although the council is legally under no obligation, SuDS may be adopted for highway drainage purposes where they meet standards and guidance set out in the LHDG. 

The council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) has, amongst other matters, a duty to:

  • ensure that developments include satisfactory arrangements for draining the adoptable highway; 
  • consider requests for the granting of consent for works to ordinary watercourses.

The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible is responsible for flood and erosion risk management activities on main rivers. 

Discharges to a watercourse are likely to require discharge consent/approval from either the council as LLFA (ordinary watercourse) or EA (main river). Written evidence that approval/consents have been received from the appropriate bodies must be provided to the council.

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