Street furniture and art

It is important to establish before submission of a planning application what street furniture is proposed within areas that are intended to be adopted within publicly maintained highway, and who would be responsible for its future maintenance and replacement. This should be included as part of a concept proposal for the proposed development. (Please see Highway Development Management ‘Preparing Development Proposals’). 

Accessibility requirements and avoiding street clutter

RNIB’s “Key Principles of Inclusive Street Design” reinforces the requirement to minimise clutter within highway. Design must consider the navigation of highway by people with visual impairments, including:

  • Provision of a 2m clear path between obstructions;
  • Any obstructions, particularly to the building line or kerbs, should be minimised;
  • location of any street furniture should also be consistent;
  • Avoiding using street furniture that have sharp edges or irregular shapes;
  • Use of contrasting colours or materials where appropriate.
Photo showing a poorly located bench (too close to the surfaced route) on an otherwise well designed  pedestrian route

Figure 56: Poorly located bench on an otherwise well designed pedestrian route

Adoption of street furniture and street art

Table 43 sets out details of who would normally accept future responsibility and whether a commuted sum is payable. It must be confirmed that agreement has been reached with the organisations concerned before proposals can be agreed with the council.

Table 43: Future maintenance responsibilities and commuted sums requirements
Asset Organisation normally responsible for future maintenance Commuted sums payable? Formal agreement required between responsible body and the council (licence or permit)
Safety bollards HA Yes N/A
Decorative bollards Under License No Yes
Knee-rail fencing HA Yes N/A
Seats TC/PC(a) N/A Yes
Cycle stands HA No N/A
Bus-stop poles and flags HA No N/A
Bus shelters TC/PC(b); D or BC/HA(c)(d) Yes Yes
Bus gates HA Yes N/A
Planters and raised beds TC/PC D or BC(b)/HA(c) Yes
Tree grills HA Yes N/A
Street art TC/PC N/A Yes
Village and town features TC/PC N/A Yes
Memorials and commemorative items TC/PC N/A Yes
‘Heritage’ direction signs HA Yes N/A
Flagpoles and similar structures TC/PC N/A Yes
Information boards Depends on information If HA responsible Yes
Litter bins D or BC N/A Yes
Dog-litter bins D or BC N/A Yes

Where there is no town or parish council, responsibility will generally pass to the district or borough council or an alternative organisation who may accept responsibility.

Please contact the relevant highway authority to discuss their requirements for undertaking responsibility for future maintenance.  For example, the council will generally only assume responsibility for bus shelters if they are provided on a County Council 'route development' route. 

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