Active Travel is about making journeys in physically active ways, including on foot or via the various human powered wheeled transport options (bicycles, recumbents and wheelchairs etc.). Particularly when supported by well-designed green infrastructure, it can offer real alternatives to car journeys and provide benefits for health and wellbeing, the environment and the effectiveness of the road network.
There is a national impetus to deliver high-quality active travel infrastructure within new development. The National Planning Policy Framework states that “Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places", including enabling and supporting healthy lifestyles through the provision of layouts that support walking and cycling. It also acknowledges that opportunities for active travel supports ambitions for environmental sustainability. Additionally, Local Transport Note 1/20 “Cycle Infrastructure Design” (LTN 1/20) provides guidance for local authorities on designing high quality, safe cycle infrastructure.
The council’s Cycling and Walking Strategy (CaWS) sets out the vision for “Leicestershire to become a county where walking and cycling are safe, accessible and obvious choices for short journeys and a natural part of longer journeys”. The corresponding CaWS Action Plan, which is updated on an annual basis, sets out the key actions to enable the council to deliver this vision.