Data requirements

To enable the LHA to thoroughly review a planning application as efficiently as possible, the following data will need to accompany a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement when a planning application is submitted.

Junction assessments

Any detailed junction assessment should be undertaken using the latest versions of ‘Junctions’ for priority and roundabout junctions or LINSIG for signal-controlled junctions. With respect to such junction capacity assessments, to ensure the Local Highway Authority (LHA) can carry out an efficient review and checks of the junction models, information including the following will be required:

  • Models should be validated against observed conditions (e.g. queues, delays). 
  • Scale plans of junction geometries used for model input should be provided for review. 
  • Details of any signal specifications used.
  • Full model outputs in PDF format.
  • Actual model files provided for review. These are often not provided initially, which can result in our delay of an application. 
  • If the use of micro-simulation is required, then the data requirements for both the modelling and its review can be extensive. 

Audits, assessments and drawings

To enable the LHA to review scheme proposals (including the site accesses and any schemes of mitigation or improvement where applicable), the information including the following will be required:

  • Stage 1 road safety audits, satisfactory Designer’s Response and amended design if necessary.
  • Scale design drawings in both AutoCAD and PDF format. 
  • Details of design methodology (E.g. explanation of standards applied, choice of junction type, details of any ‘departures’). 
  • Recorded free-flow 85th percentile speeds are required to define any stopping sight distance or visibility splay requirements. 
  • Pedestrian crossing assessments if appropriate. 
  • Any other models or supporting calculations. 

Traffic survey data and assessment

To enable the LHA to review traffic flow scenarios, we will require information including: 

  • Traffic survey data. 
  • Peak hour traffic flow scenarios. 
  • The spreadsheet used to develop the above. 
  • An explanation of any calculations. 
  • Any Pan-Regional Transport Model (PRTM) inputs and outputs. 

Whilst the above lists of data are not exclusive, provision of sufficient data should enable the council to review applications efficiently by reducing unnecessary delays. 

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Highway Development Management