Concrete block paving

Where agreed by the council, concrete-block paving can be laid to carriageways, shared surfaces and other areas used by vehicles. This should be laid for the specific road type as per Table 35. The concrete block paving must comply with and be laid in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 11/1 of the council’s Specification for concrete-block paving in carriageways.

Non-standard block paving (Refer to Materials Palettes document) may attract a commuted sum.

Additional consideration should be given to the application of block paving where there is likely to be significant use by those with visual impairment. The lines created by blocks can cause disorientation and issues regarding misjudgement of foot placement, leading to the risk of falls. After a period of time, if not properly laid (or if replaced by different materials as part of utilities works), they can pose a trip hazard that can be a greater risk for those with poor spatial awareness or limited mobility.

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