Active travel geometry

Table 18 sets out general geometry for pedestrian-only routes, including footways and footpaths. Routes for cyclist only or mixed pedestrian and cyclist use are covered in Table 19. Surfaces used by pedestrians should be free from trip hazards. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) CD 143 (E/1.1) requires walking routes to be designed to ‘Inclusive Mobility’ guidance.

Table 18: Pedestrian only routes
Location Minimum lane width Minimum width at fixed objects(a) Longitudinal gradient Maximum Acceptable crossfall
Normal residential, commercial and industrial sites 2m


2m where pedestrian flows are high, (500+ per hour)

Maximum length of an obstacle: 6m

Minimum: 1:100 Maximum: 1:20(b)(c) 1:40
Shopping areas 4m
Bus stops 3m
Outside educational facilities (high pedestrian flows and increased mix of vulnerable users) 3m

(a) Bollards, sign posts, guard railing, lamp columns and utility equipment (for example gas, water, cable TV). Achieving this for equipment installed while the development is being built will require coordination with utility providers. Please see Utilities for more guidance on locating utility equipment.

(b) Whilst the needs of people with impaired mobility must be considered, on sites with exceptionally difficult topography a relaxation to 1:12 may be accepted.

(c) Crossovers to private drives and parking should be carefully designed so as not to create inconvenient cross-falls for pedestrians. Please see standard detail.

Table 19: Cycle Only and Mixed Use
Type Minimum Lane Width Additional width at vertical fixed objects (mm) Centre-line radius Forward visibility Maximum acceptable crossfall Longitudinal gradient
Cycle 1-way 2m

Object height 

61 - 150

151- 600 

Above 600

Increased width  




In accordance with Table 5-5 LTN 1/20 In accordance with Para 5.10.1  LTN 1/20


(No adverse camber)



Cycle 2-way 3.0m minimum 
On carriageway cycle lane 2m
Shared Use  n/a


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