Active travel crossings at junctions

Any site-specific requirements should be identified and agreed with the council in the early stages of preparing development proposals. Local Transport Note 1/20 "Cycle Infrastructure Design" (LTN 1/20) provides a Junction Assessment Tool to aid designers, which should be utilised alongside reference to LHDG guidance. Developers should also refer to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Particularly where motor traffic speeds and volumes are high, the safety of cyclists manoeuvring in mixed traffic either into or out of the minor arm is a key consideration in the design process. Design principles, for instance in relation to lane widths, corner radii and use of refuges can be employed to mitigate risk at these junctions.

diagram showing right turn refuge, cycle lanes, cycle symbols and side road entry treatment at a priority junction (from LTN 1/20)

Figure 22: Right turn refuge, cycle lanes, cycle symbols and side road entry treatment at priority junction (from LTN 1/20)

The use of red surfacing is only necessary at potential points of conflict between different highway users.  Please see Table 41 in Materials and Construction and Materials Palettes for further guidance relating to the use of coloured surfacing.

Where protected space separate from the carriageway is provided for cycling, priority junctions should be designed so that wherever possible cyclists can cross the minor arms of junctions in a safe manner without losing priority.

In new developments, priority crossing proposals should be set back 5m from the major road kerbline; where constraints mean that this cannot be provided no set back should be provided (see Figure 23 below, taken from LTN 1/20).

Diagram showing priority crossings of cycle tracks at side roads that have cycle crossings set back, partially set back and with no set back from the mouth of the junction, from LTN 1/20

Figure 23: Priority crossings of cycle tracks at side roads (from LTN 1/20)

  * Yellow globes at parallel crossings omitted for clarity

(Please also refer to Junction Type, Geometry and Spacing)

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