Adopting structures

The requirements for adoption of highway structures must be discussed with LCC before a planning application is submitted. 

A Commuted Sum shall be paid to contribute to any future replacement and/or maintenance of highway structures that will be adopted by LCC. Commuted Sums shall be calculated in accordance with  ADEPT Bridges Commuted Sums Guidance 2017. Rates are index-linked and reviewed annually. 

Before adoption, and in accordance with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations, the following information must be provided:

  • the Health and Safety File,
  • as-built drawings in an electronic format (e.g. *.dwg),
  • approved design calculations (if not already received),
  • inspection certificates,
  • material-testing certificates, 
  • digital photographs in an electronic format 
  • maintenance manuals,
  • a Certificate of Construction Compliance (CCC). 

This information must be submitted in advance of a request for a final certificate of completion to the highway authority (full adoption certificate).  Failure to comply will jeopardise the ability of the highway authority to adopt a structure. 

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Development Approvals