Non-residential parking standards Class E

Figure 29(c): Non-residential parking standards Class E
Land Use Class E Threshold for applying the standard Minimum Number of parking Spaces Minimum Number of Operational / Lorry Spaces
Class E – Commercial, Business and Service (CMBS) E(a) Non-food retail Up to 1,000qsm 1/16sqm Any additional operational car parking spaces to be proposed based on need.  

300sqm to 3,000sqm:   Provision must be made within the site for service and delivery vehicles to be loaded and unloaded clear of the highway.

Store between 3000m2 to 5000m2:  One goods bay space (articulated vehicle) for every 750sqm.  

Stores above 5000m2:  One goods bay space (articulated vehicle) for every 1000m2
Above 1,000sqm 1/20sqm
E(a) Food retail / Supermarket Up to 1,000sqm 1/9sqm Any additional operational car parking spaces to be proposed based on need. 
300sqm to 3,000sqm:  provision must be made within the site for service and delivery vehicles to be loaded and unloaded clear of the highway.

Store between 3000m2 to 5000m2:  One goods bay (articulated vehicle) space for every 750sqm.  

Stores above 5000m2:  One goods bay space (articulated vehicle) for every 1000m2
Above 1,000sqm 1/14sqm
E(b) Café / Restaurant No threshold 1 customer space per 4sqm pubic area plus 1 staff space per 10 tables or per 40sqm.  Available space off-highway for servicing / delivery vehicles. 
E(c)(i) Financial Services As E(g)(i)
E(c)(ii) Professional Services (not health / medical) As E(g)(i)
E(c)(iii) Other appropriate services in CBS locality As E(g)(i)
E(d) Indoor sport, recreation, fitness (not vehicles, firearms, pool, ice rink) Up to 1,000sqm 1 space per 5sqm Any additional operational car parking spaces to be proposed based on need.  

Available space off-highway for servicing / delivery vehicles. 

Coach parking to be considered on need. 
Above 1.000sqm 1 space per 22sqm
E(e) Medical or Heath (not attached to residence) No threshold 1 space per staff member plus 2 spaces per consulting room or surgery.  At least 1 ambulance space and 1 car drop-off / pick-up space. 
E(f) Creche, day nursery, day centre (non-residential) No threshold 1 space per staff member plus 1 space for shift changeover.  No requirement. 
E(g) – acceptable in a residential area:  
E(g)(i) Offices for operational or admin functions Up to 2,500sqm 1/25sqm Any additional operational car parking spaces to be proposed based on need.  

Available space off-highway for servicing / delivery vehicles. 
Above 2,500sqm 1/60sqm Urban town centre, edge of town centre
1/35sqm Rest of urban town
1/40sqm Rural town, edge of town centre
1/30sqm Rest of rural town
1/30sqm Out of town
E(g)(ii) Research and Development As B2 General Industry. The LHA will seek to restrict conversion to E(g)(i) via the planning process unless sufficient space is provided within the application boundary to increase parking to minimum E(g)(i) levels.  One lorry space (articulated vehicle) for every 500m2
E(g)(iii) Industrial Processes As B2 General Industry. The LHA will seek to restrict conversion to E(g)(i) via the planning process unless sufficient space is provided within the application boundary to increase parking to minimum E(g)(i) levels.    One lorry space (articulated vehicle) for every 500m2
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