File formats
All drawings must be
- provided as an unlocked PDF.
- provided in AutoCAD DWG and DXF formats.
- Where possible, highway boundaries and adoptable asset locations/extents provided in a vector GIS format (e.g. ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo TAB, GeoPackage etc.). All digitised features should include attributes that align with the asset schedules referred to in paragraph xii.
What plans should show
All drawings should, where applicable and practicable:
- Cover the whole extent of the development (or phase if development is phased).
- Be based on a detailed topographical survey.
- Be captured against the British National Grid Coordinate Reference System (EPSG 27700) and include a coordinates grid.
- Show the area surrounding the development for context. It is acceptable for Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topography to be used for this purpose.
- Include a title, drawing number, north arrow, scale and legend describing all features illustrated on the drawing.
- Clearly illustrate the extent of development (or phase if development is phased) (required for registering Local Land Charges where applicable).
- Clearly define the overall extent of highway works subject to the development (or phase if development is phased).
- Show the existing highway boundary, interpreted onto drawing by developer using information provided by Highway Record Enquiries team at LCC
- Clearly illustrate the extent of land that is to be dedicated/adopted as part of the process, and the land ownership extent of the dedicating parties.
- Illustrate in general terms who is to be responsible for any boundary features that are adjacent to the highway boundary (e.g. developer/ManCo/property owners/LCC).
- Follow an LCC-defined convention for styling all adoptable features and assets on every drawing. Separate drawings should be provided for different asset categories if it is difficult to illustrate everything on a single plan.
- Label adoptable assets with reference numbers, that should cross-reference to a schedule with relevant details of each asset as required by LCC.
- Illustrate the extent of any proposed easements for access to assets remaining in land owned by a third-party (e.g. drainage).